

What does it mean to be on a waitlist?

By joining a waitlist, 你承认你可能在没有进一步通知的情况下被选入该课程, 以及您有义务支付因您注册课程而产生的任何费用. 在候补名单上意味着你在一个学生名单上,如果有座位,你满足所有其他要求,你将自动注册一个班级. Other requirements that could keep you out of a class are:

  • 你在同一门课程的另一个部分,该课程不允许在同一学期多次注册;
  • 你的课程表上有另一门课,而这门课的时间与候补课的时间冲突;
  • instructor permission is required to get into the class.

This means that if you are on a waitlist, a seat becomes available, and you meet all of the requirements to get into the class, you will be enrolled in the class without additional notice to you. You will not be charged for being on a waitlist, 但是,如果你随后注册了该课程,那么你将被收取费用,并且额外的注册导致你的费用增加. 

在候补名单上并不意味着你一定会被录取. Not all students who are on waitlists get into those classes. 这可能是因为他们不满足一些额外的要求(如上所述),或者仅仅是因为这些课程没有座位. 你不应该假设你会被录取到一个你在候补名单上的课程.

How do I know if a class has a waitlist available?

有候补名单的课程将在课程设置中确定,并附有班级说明,表明候补名单可用. 另外, 有候补名单的班级将在My俄亥俄州学生中心通过“如果班级已满,则等待名单”复选框确定. 如果一门课程在“课程设置”中有一个课程说明,表明它有候补名单, but the "waitlist if class is full" checkbox does not appear, it means the waitlist for that class is full (i.e., there are no more spaces available on the waitlist).

How do I get on a waitlist for a class?

有候补名单的班级将在My俄亥俄州学生中心通过“如果班级已满,则候补名单”复选框确定. To be added to the waitlist, check that box 之前 adding the class to your shopping cart. 在那之后, when you attempt to register for the class, 如果班级满了,并且你满足了课程的要求,你将自动被列入候补名单. 


How do I get on a waitlist for a class that is in my shopping cart?

要添加到等待列表中,请单击购物车中的课程. 一旦班级信息显示出来,你就可以在“如果班级已满,请进入候补名单”框中勾选." After the box has been checked, select next. You will then be directed back to your shopping cart. You will need to finish enrolling in the course.


是的. If seats become available and you meet all other requirements, you will be automatically enrolled in the class. 您还将收到一封电子邮件,确认该课程已添加到您的学期时间表中.

Will I be charged for being on a waitlist?

No. You will not be charged for being on the waitlist for a class. 但是,如果你是在候补名单上注册的课程,你将被收取费用. By joining a waitlist, 你承认你可能在没有进一步通知的情况下被选入该课程, 以及您有义务支付因您注册课程而产生的任何费用.

For how many classes can I be on a waitlist?



What is the deadline for waitlisting a class?

最后一天,将自己添加到一个完整学期课程的等待名单是学期第一周的星期五. This date will vary for flexibly scheduled classes.

How do I know my position on a waitlist?

你可以在My俄亥俄州学生中心查看你的班级时间表上的候补名单位置. 请记住,即使你在候补名单上,你也可能无法进入这门课.


最后一天,学生将登记从候补名单的课程为学期的第一个星期的星期五. This date will vary for flexibly scheduled classes. 在那之后 date, waitlists for classes will be purged. 在最后一天添加课程之后,您将永远不会从候补名单中注册课程, as displayed in 课程.

然而, 本学期第一周的星期五之后(灵活安排的课程或同等时间), when the waitlists are purged, 对于仍在等待名单上的学生,将自动创建一个班级许可请求. 在添加课程的最后一天之前,教师将有机会审查和批准或拒绝这些请求.


如果你注册了一门课程的一个部分,并且在同一课程的另一个部分的等待名单上, 你不会自动注册,除非该课程允许在同一学期多人注册(i.e.(课程是可重复的)或者你使用了交换功能进入了候补名单. Using the Swap feature allows you to be on the waitlist for a class, 只有当候补名单上的课程有空时,才取消另一门课程(已经在你的时间表上).e., 如果有空位,并且符合其他所有条件,你将被从第一节课中除名,然后加入到新的一节课中。. 但是,您不应该将Swap功能用于多个组件课程(例如.e., lecture/lab, lecture/discussion, etc.), 因为换一个多部分的课程会把你从原来的部分中删除,并把你放在新课程的等待名单上.e., you will lose your seat in the original class).

I am on a waitlist for a class but I see there are seats open. Why haven't I been enrolled?

有几个原因,你可能没有注册的课程,即使有空位. When a student drops a class, 您不会立即从候补名单中注册-从候补名单中注册学生的过程可能需要长达30分钟. Other requirements that could keep you out of a class are:

  • 你在同一门课程的另一个部分,该课程不允许在同一学期多次注册;
  • 你的课程表上有另一门课,而这门课的时间与候补课的时间冲突;
  • instructor permission is required to get into the class;
  • 你被列入候补名单的课程的学时将在未经许可的情况下超过允许的最大学时(本科生20小时/研究生18小时)。. 如果你打算退学,如果你被列入候补名单的班级,然后使用交换功能,当你把自己添加到候补名单.

如果一门课程在“课程设置”中有一个课程说明,表明它有候补名单, but the "waitlist if class is full" checkbox does not appear, it means the waitlist for the class is full.